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Business processes and remote work

Nowadays global pandemic situation forced us to lock ourselves at homes and start to work remotely. Many managers are facing the unexpected and difficult challenge of managing virtual teams, working in a remote environment, having to continue all business processes.
Such a change in the organization daily operation brings many complications and operational difficulties and probably can be a huge challenge for all companies. That mainly concerns all internal business processes in our company but also may be interacting clients and contractors.

Unfortunately, not all companies are prepared enough to face such circumstances. The lack of properly implemented processes and procedures as well as the platform to support them, generates a huge risk of operational discontinuity. The most popular difficulties that organizations have to face are:

  • Delays in invoice settlement – problems related to the handling of paper correspondence and the lack of electronic invoice approval process generate the risk of delays in accounting documents booking and related contract penalties.
  • Difficulties in contract monitoring – not owning a centralized digital contract repository and the possibility of correlating orders and invoices, contract management becomes very difficult. In this situation budget control and cost discipline are very limited.
  • Lack of contract verification and acceptance management – the current situation often generates the need to sign new contracts or annex existing ones with contractors or customers. In a situation where the entire organization works remotely, the lack of digitized, secure contract approval processes means that contract processing becomes almost impossible.
  • Task and document allocation problem – without having implemented task and document management processes supporting employees in their daily work routine cause a significant decrease in operational efficiency and affect the quality of customer service performance.

The key factor to managing an enterprise during a crisis, apart from well-described processes and procedures, is to provide appropriate IT tools.
The solution is BPM (Business Process Management) low-code platform that automate business processes and support the organization to overcome described difficulties.
Such a solution also provides the ability to use a web interface giving the possibility to work remotely, while maintaining the security of company employees. Together with solutions improving communication like Microsoft Teams they form a solid basis for building a real digital workplace.

WEBCON BPS is one of the best low-code platforms that allows you to build business process management applications without coding. More information available at

Several processes that we can quickly digitize and automate:

  • Digital Mailroom – a solution that protects employees by minimizing number of people handling incoming correspondence and giving the opportunity to work remotely on documents.
  • Digital invoice approval – an application that enables automate invoice registration, description, acceptance and settlement of accounting documents.
  • Central Contract Repository – an application that centralizes signed contracts, enabling contract monitoring as well as searching and linking to other processes and documents.

The digital implementation of those processes will not only allow us to face the challenges during the pandemic but also will increase the company competitiveness, minimizing operating costs and increasing operational excellence. The platform that will allow us to monitor and measure the key performance indicators of individual processes, documents or tasks is a huge knowledge about our company. Finally, it is measurable data enabling better business decisions to be made.

The digital implementation of the described solutions is an investment not only for the crisis time but for the future of the company over the next years.

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